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Quick Wins: Three Ways to Tackle Clutter in Under an Hour


Short on time?


Join the club! I’m all about helping my clients get quick wins that inspire them to keep on going with their organization projects and showing them that you can accomplish a whole lot with not much time. 


If you have less than an hour, here are three ways you can tackle some clutter in your home that will leave you feeling a lot more peaceful, productive, and prosperous starting right away!


Clean Out Just One 


Pick a closet, drawer, bin, or file folder (either digital or paper) and clean just that one spot. A coat closet that’s become a breeding ground for no longer worn jackets and single gloves, a drawer in your kitchen that’s a little of this and a lot of that, or that Google Drive folder that you have no idea what’s even in there. 


Some great places to start when picking just one: 

  • Your purse or wallet
  • The drawer full of random remotes and cords in the TV room 
  • The SPAM or...
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12 Things to Toss to Feel More Organized Right Away



Looking for a quick win that will help you feel more organized TODAY?


Many of my clients find an increase in motivation when they take just a small simple action that gets their organization started. What works to get you motivated is different for everyone, but if you’re one of those people who find that the simple act of tying up your running shoes gets you closer to the door, this blog is for you! 


Pro-Tip: I recommend printing out this blog and using it as a checklist to go through your home and spaces with. And of course, recycle the printed copy when you are done.


12 Things You Can Toss to Feel More Organized TODAY


  1. The magazines stacked up on your coffee table. If you haven’t read that National Geographic article from 2018 yet, chances are you aren’t going to. You can safely toss these in the recycling bin!

  2. Extra water bottles and “swag” from conferences and expos. That free stress ball from your insurance...
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5 Lessons From 16 Years of Professional Organizing



As I write this, it’s 2022 and I’m currently celebrating 16 years in business as a Professional Organizer!


16 Years of helping women be more peaceful, productive, and prosperous by organizing their homes, businesses, and lives. I’m so passionate about organization because I know that when we’re organized and in harmony, our entire lives and well-being are better. 


I’ve always been organized by nature. At five years old (much to my parent’s dismay), I’d show up at the neighbor’s doorstep with a dustpan and broom offering to help them clean. Throughout my childhood, I was constantly organizing closets, drawers, and cabinets throughout our house. 


It made perfect sense that I’d end up in the field of accounting, where I worked for thirteen years before retiring from that career so I could stay home with our children. I began working in direct sales and raising my kids. 



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Can I Organize Without a Plan?



One area in which I see people getting hung up a lot around organization is stopping themselves before they even get started. 


  • They don’t feel like they know where to begin. 
  • They don’t have all the right tools and fancy organizing supplies. 
  • They don’t want to start if they can’t do it ALL. 


Maybe this is you too, you’re finding yourself stuck wanting to overly plan the process, the trap of perfectionism, and the spiral of overwhelm. 


If that’s you, read on, because as a professional organizer, I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to have all the answers or the perfect plan in order to get started. 


And in many cases, the “perfect” plan will only get you into more trouble because what works for someone else might not always be the solution for you. 


You can’t organize what you don’t know you have. 


In my mind, all...

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Why Am I So Disorganized?



Approximately 54% of Americans are self-described as disorganized. Are you one of them? 


Here are some signs you might be disorganized: 


You’re constantly running late for meetings and appointments 

Dates and deadlines always seem to surprise you (yes, your sister’s birthday still comes every November!) 

You scrounge around to find items constantly like keys, your wallet, important papers, and that gift you were going to ship out that you swear you put “right here” 

You feel stuck in eternal digital overwhelm with too many pictures, files, and emails? 

You have lots of closets you’re too scared to open because of the avalanche of stuff that will fall out on you if you do

You’re afraid of adding anything else to your life for fear it might break you


Most of us could stand to be more organized. And for many, being disorganized ripples out to many aspects of life including emotional,...

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5 Myths About Being Organized



When you think of “organization” does your mind immediately conjure up an image of perfectly stacked, color-coordinated storage containers? Or perhaps you imagine opening your sock drawer to a rainbow of meticulously folded socks that all “spark joy”? Maybe you envision a pristine office desk with nothing on the surface of it except a laptop, pen, and notebook like that influencer you follow on Instagram?

Chances are, what you think being organized looks like is not what it actually is because you’ve been taught to believe that there’s a one-size-fits-all approach to organization and what it “should” be.

I’m going to help paint a clearer picture of what organization really is by busting five of the most common myths I hear from clients who seek me out as a professional organizer.


Myth #1: Being Disorganized Means Something is Wrong With You


It pains me to say this, but I’ve seen and heard professional...

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Where Do I Even Start Organizing My Life?


The straw that breaks the camel’s back is different for everyone.


Some people just hit a wall. They’re tired of looking around their space day after day and feeling like it’s disorganized and cluttered. 


Some people have a “hot mess” wake-up call where they realize they need to get their calendar and systems in order. 


I’ve seen clients who deal with major life transitions and events that launch them into clean-up mode such as a loved one passing away, a downsize or move, a new baby, or a kiddo going off to college, leaving you with an empty nest. 


And others still, wake up one day with that spring cleaning bug and just get motivated to start organizing and decluttering. 


Whatever the reason for deciding to be more organized, it’s an exciting moment when you make the decision to take action to start cleaning out the clutter. 


But where do you begin? Where do you even...

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How to Reach Your Goals for the Second Half of the Year



Somehow, we’re already six months into 2022 and have six more to go! 

With that, I keep hearing my clients talk about things they want to achieve and accomplish in the second half of the year and how they want to create a game plan around doing so.

As a Professional Organizer, people often ask me how I map out my goals and make a plan to achieve them. 

Are you ready for my slightly unpopular opinion? 

I don’t.

Bear with me here because this mindset can help you too whether you’re looking to get more organized or accomplish something BIG in the second half of the year. 



How to reach your goals (without making a plan) 


I’m a big believer in having a vision of where I want to go in my business, and what I want for my family and life. I also love holding a loose vision of what I would use a room or space for, before decluttering it. 

That said, I don’t sit down and write out solid and specific...

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How to Stop Hoarding Information TODAY!




I used to say that I don’t work with hoarders. BUT I quickly came to realize that when working with people’s digital and paper information, it’s a form of hoarding.

We often think of information hoarding as that giant stack of 40-year-old newspapers or a coffee table with every National Geographic magazine known to man, or a room so full of books you can barely walk through the door, never mind eat dinner at the dining room table. And yes, some people still have that kind of information, but more commonly, I see a combination of the digital world with information overload and paper that is no longer needed that’s being kept and taking up space.


Examples of digital information hoarding may include: 


  • That downloads folder containing a million and one downloads. You know the ones: all those PDFs you downloaded on how to generate content, get more followers, and spruce up your LinkedIn profile…

  • The endless amount of...

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What Do I Do With All of These Business Cards?




Are you a business card collector? 


Perhaps you network for work, or to grow your own business and you’re constantly on the go, at conferences and networking events meeting new faces and picking up business cards. 

You get home after the event, tired and ready to take off your high heels and slip into your jammies, and the business cards stay in your purse or wallet or stacked up on your desk. 

Maybe you do actually take time to organize them, but you still have so many of them and you have no idea who half these people are. 

While we’re still attending fewer in-person events, but most likely about to start getting out a bit more now is a great time to tackle them. Less new ones are coming in and it gives you an opportunity to create a system for moving forward with business card organization. 

I recommend two ways to achieve this feat: 

  1. Gather all your business cards up in one place and chip away at them regularly,...
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